1274. NanoGames

Listen deeply to the wind. Somewhere amidst the hum is the clatter and clack of 25,000+ keyboards hacking away at a great new novel. NanoWrimo is our ‘coming out party’ It is the month we’ve made belong to us, that speaks to us, that reminds us there is great beauty and courage in being a writer.

I was talking to one of my new favorite people the other day and she professed a bit of wonderment at the profound nature of my competitive spirit. I must admit, I’m no longer as competitive as I once was in terms of writing–in terms of anything really–and it effects my productive output. Nano brings out a bit more of that fire in me. It reminds me that I don’t have to be better than the writer standing beside me in order to be successful. In truth, I just need to be better than I’ve allowed myself to be in the past. In the sports parlance, I need to beat my own time and turn on that fire inside of me to create some of the best writing on the planet.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Recently a FB player was pranked so bad at a team lunch that he snapped, leading to his temporary leave due to ‘medical reasons’. I wonder what you could do to a 300+ lineman to make him snap like that.

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