
Okay, I don’t have a deep thought in my head tonight, but I can give you a casual scan of two characters who may appear in this novel I keep writing about every friday. They are Elena Ramirez and Wade Thompson. When I picture Elena I picture Eliza Gonzalez–but as an art teacher with less makeup. Her connection to Wade Thompson is through Wade’s daughter and estranged wife. Elena is her teacher at school and sometimes she talks about her dad. Wade comes to see his daughter, picking her and his son up from school once in a while when he can. However, the work he does makes it hard for him to be around. The same work makes it hard for him to be a juror, which is how he enters into our tale.

Some Thoughts:

  1. I have way too many windows open on my computer. I need to establish a way to keep files handy but not open… Yeah, using the bookmark feature would be nice. That is a huge project, but worth getting to…
  2. Yeah, that bit above about Wade and Elena was very weak. I see that, but I didn’t have a whole lot in my head that made sense, and I promised to try to free write. It did not go well.

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