7.384. Reflections on a Sunday Afternoon

I am sitting next to a pile of books I plan to use early in the morning to design a lesson on character modeling. I have to do this, because I don’t have it in me to do the work tonight. I have a lot on my plate these days and not a ton of patience or energy to get it all done. I’m 10K behind on one project and there is not much to say about the other big one that is positive, other than I did knock out a chapter today and I could get ahead and crank one out tomorrow–after I clear up the schoolwork issues. I miss being young and having less to do. I feel like there is a curve in ones life where in the middle you have so much more to take care of yet at the ends your time is relatively free.

Some Thoughts:

  1. I will be in Italy in the summer and drenched in the humidity of the place. I am beginning to realize that my heart issues are not built for such things, and this will be a moment of challenge, and hopefully a moment of growth.

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