7.437. The Climb (239.7)

I invested in the fitness+ mode of my apple subscription. It actually saved me money. I was already paying more for purchasing separate services without bundling, so this wound up being a boon. I need it. I need something that is going to work, and this is day one. I always say that nowadays: One day or Day One. I want this day one to stick and this routine to become just another day of me trying to get healthier and more capable physically. I started with a ten minute Yoga session that burned some calories and got the heart rate up in the 100+ range. According to this website, my rate is in the 119-122 zone, but I am deathly out of shape so it may be lower.

I am 239.7 pounds as of this morning. My goal remains the 190s. I expect to be on the pound a week plan moving forward, so hopefully I can squeeze into my clothing before my trip, and be closer to 230 when I return. My scale suggests it is all bad, as do my mood and basic glances in the mirror. I don’t feel attractive or active or even particularly strong mentally. I feel like a device that is failing but still trying to put out good data. This day one mode is the first time I’ve felt like I have a chance to reverse at least some of the damage. I realize how long that is going to take, and I am ready for the climb.

In a week this post ought to read, the climb (238.???) and onward and downward as I fall into a routine of what to do and how to do it. I expect my mentals to raise alongside the fall, so eventually I will be more productive than I am and able to write at the level I am both accustomed to and expected to produce. This is less dream than plan anymore, and more desperate than before. I need to go now and get going pre-50, because that is (even now is) the start of a sharp decline that I already am feeling.

I am ready to fight back.

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