7.453. Reflections on a Saturday Afternoon

The people in my home are clinically bored. I’m one of them, though my boredom comes as a relief from a very busy week. I spent most of the day playing video games I’ve played hundreds of times. Still had great fun doing it. Tomorrow is Sunday and the start of the workweek, so back to the grind it is. Work on developing some role play content, work on the novel, work on some other role play content, work on classes, set up a real writing schedule for the summer. This is the way.

Some Thoughts:

  1. It is real tough when your kid petitions to drop your last name. That’s what is happening to Brad Pitt. So… he’s the bad guy I guess? I cannot understand why I find it hard to believe fully… or why I care.
  2. No longer attending GenCon this year. Next time….

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