7.455. Reflections on a Monday Morning

I’ve come to really love outlining. It makes the process of writing more manageable. It does not work for everything. I cannot outline short stories. I can’t see taking a scene and breaking it down to more elements than what happens in that scene or slice of life. I suppose in a longer length story–say 8k? I could find some space to break it down, but shorter works like the 3-5 I tend to work in don’t have that space. Instead I save the outlining for longer projects like the novel and the RPG writing, which beg to be outlined. In fact, I am outlining today… after I grade and do the rest of the doldrum work that is required of me. Of course, the latest schedule has me calling it quits an hour and a half from now, so we will see what actually happens. I will probably push off the school work and let the writing take lead. It is summer, after all.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Yoga artists call a collection of moves a flow. I feel like I move into flows of writing in that same fashion, shifting from project to project by finding the connective points that trigger specific parts of my imagination and intellect in sequence.
  2. I’ve been using Lewis Jorstad’s The Ten Day Outline as a guide. A writer is never too old or too good to learn from others. I’m here trying to learn.

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