
I am in the 238 range, which is a start. I’ve started to work a little bit on the body, and believe that with more work–actual work–the pounds will fly off. That’s the hardest part isn’t it? Getting over that hump can be so tough. I’ve been doing it over and over again with the writing but I cannot seem to transform my mind to do it with the body–I don’t make the connections the way that I should. Heck, I get the value of it. I know how much better I will be mentally when I am better physically. I need to turn that corner and get going. I can visualize myself once I am there, but I cannot seem to bridge that gap to the visual.

I’ll make it. I have to.

Some Thoughts:

  1. I am blessed to be teaching the material I get to teach from semester to semester. I feel more like I am doing what I want to do in the classroom. There are some spots where I need to be improving to be sure, but overall, the work is solid. I have the classes. I just need to make them better.
  2. How long am I here? I don’t know. I just want to sink in and enjoy the moment while I have it. Sure, building a future is key. I just believe in enjoying the present while we build into what is coming.
  3. No, I don’t know what that is exactly, but I have some ideas and the outline of a foundation. We need to get the funds though… We know we want to have two or possibly 3 homes. This is a big tall order, but we want what we want. I want to work to get there.

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