7.461. Reflections on a Sunday Morning

When I pulled up to the Sunday DBs practice my mid-kid jokingly refers to as ‘church’ I saw the coach checking his watch. He looked at it twice and looked at our car in wonder. We were 6 minutes late. This was easily avoidable, but the kid moves slow and shows no regard for other people’s time. This is a habit he is developing and one that is ultimately going to be ruinous if allowed to fester.

I think I like that word for the boy’s habits. They fester. None of them are particularly good. None of them–none of the new ones–cast him in a good light. I fear a lot of it comes from the media he consumes and models himself after. I fear I am not as much of a positive influence in his life as he needs in a world and life filled with negative influences. This is reflective of a failure on my part to be sure. 3rd time is the charm be damned.

I don’t have a lot more time to spend with him this summer before he gets back into school and moves into the hardest of the 4 years (from what his brothers who played say). I don’t think he is nearly ready and I wish I could help him get there faster. I can, on the other hand, be there to help him once he realizes how badly he is failing. Sometimes –heck always– you need to let the see failure in order to embrace the need and requirements of success.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Watching Sugar. Not at all what I thought I was getting into.
  2. Not watching The Acolyte. Considering taking it on the plane with me though. It feels like one of those series you want to consume all at once and that encourages me to wait. Also, I didn’t watch Andor, and that was entirely because I am not enthralled by the stories that universe is telling in a past that has already been defined for the main characters. The Mandolorian avoided that by keeping him out of the 9 movie series. Andor went hard in the other direction just like Solo did. The Acolyte gives itself room to breathe and create, so I have hopes that they will. Still… it is Disney.

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