7.465. Finally, Rome

It took days to get here but we arrived. Intact even. Once we were able to get to the airbnb, we crashed hard. We didn’t wake up until the following afternoon. I cannot tell you the last time before that I slept for 10 hours. It isn’t even a thing in my mind that happens. I needed it. My hands were swelling from salt intake and lack of medication. I ate nothing but airplane crap for a day. It might have nearly killed me. At one point I took a bp reading (post shower) before bed and it hit 158/98. Danger territory to be sure. I checked a moment later and it was 138. I haven’t checked since. I am hoping it was a blip and nothing that caused real damage. On the other hand, I have noticed my nerve issues have been a lot worse today after that hell day.

So, British Airways tried to murder me and did not care. We’ve established that. But what about Roma? It is fantastic. It is all that I expected it could be and everything I needed for a summer city. I love the space we have. I love the fact that the places we want to hang out are so close and transit is so close. Rome is bringing unparalleled happiness to this couple, and I aim to see it continue for a long time.

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