7.480. Reflections on a Debate

I had a lot of time to think about the Debate that took place recently. Having sat and, frankly, stewed about it for hours I am prepared to say a few things:

  1. How the hell is this the USA in 2024? I spent my entire life waiting for things to get better. In my youth I got involved because of my mother. In college I started getting involved because I finally started to understand that ‘we the people’ means something. By the time Obama left office, I was feeling like change was going to be a lot harder than I thought. Obama had to strong arm people for anything he tried to make happen. There were constant jokes about how Obama’s chief of staff was like a character from the Godfather leaving a horses head in your bed if you didn’t get in line. He had to operate through fear and force because all anyone ever did was stall. That tactic has become the defacto approach for Republicans to outlast a democrat’s reign. Yet as soon as they get one of their own, all the red tape goes away. So, things started to get worse, and they are getting much worse. We as voters are faced with a ridiculous choice–one that in no way moves the country forward or helps America stay great.
  2. People are sheep. What worries me the most is the Trump bible. People–believers are actually buying the blasphemous thing. I’m out of time but I will talk more about it in the future. In short: It has a lot of material in there that is not at all biblical…

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