
I was forced to activate my cellular service this morning in a rush of panic that can best be described as overwhelming anxiety triggered by overwhelming anxiety. If I’d been relaxed and forward thinking earlier I would not have made the mistakes leading to this costly activation and thus not be writing this blog right now.

I’m on a train (of the moderate speed local variety) headed for a return dalliance with the beautiful and medieval hillside town of Orvieto. It is market day, and the Lady Talis and I wanted to experience that one time before we go. The plan is to collect supplies for a romantic picnic and spend the day roaming the city before returning by train in the early evening.

Orvieto is likely to be our last trip that far outside of Rome on this journey. We inch ever closer to a return to AZ and the incumbent heat and still-life nature of the space. I think life is better outside of AZ in a lot of ways. That being said I remain in support of my kids and their pursuits. If only those pursuits didn’t require me to be in AZ…

Ten is coming to a close so as a parting word I will say this: Intentionality is a powerful tool. I intend to live a better life in AZ this year than I did the last.

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