7.488. Recipe for a Life Well Lived

My apple watch calls for me to exercise for 60 minutes a day, the reward being a closed green circle. It isn’t much, but it does get my mind sprinting forward about how to live a life of closed circles. I think I have taken another step forward in uncovering what that means for me. It starts with being out wandering about. I do not spend enough time exercising or being outdoors. The latter is harder in AZ, especially in the summer. Evenings mean bugs out in the streets and parks (gross, right?) and the days are way too hot to be out for any serious length of time. So there are things in this equation yet to be solved. That being said, being out for 3 hrs a day sounds right. Add the writing to that (4), add the gaming (2), that’s a 9 hour day right there. Then give me 2 hrs of pure chillax. 11.

Yes, I have a job. It factors in to be sure, so I have to be thinking about that as well. There are always going to be things that take a hit. Yet it is a dream and in that dream I can factor in the times where and when I work. I can make a bit of magic if l allow it.

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