7.491. Reflections on a Last Tuesday

Not the very last, to be sure, but the last in Italy. I am headed back to the states with the Lady Talis. headed back into all the heat and stillness and nonsense that awaits… I don’t want to say I hate home–there are good things there like the kids and the pets. There is also an ex-wife and insects and, i will say it again, stillness. Nothing changes there. In truth, the house will be in a degraded version of how we left it, in spite of it being lived in every single day. The kids will be doing the same things they always do–quite literally in the same place and state as we left them 30 days ago. Nothing changes. Nothing happens. We survive a semester and then we get to leave again for a while.

All of this is to say that the existence as it is no longer works for me. It gets less and less sustainable each time I get away for a month to a thriving community. I need to not be stuck the way the space lends itself to being stuck. I just have yet to figure out how to not be stuck.

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