7.511. Reflections on a Tuesday Writing ‘sesh’

I don’t even know if I spelled that right. In fact, I should never ever use the term sesh agin–even facetiously. Moving on… and unto the point of the blog. I write a lot of material in a shared world where everything I put out there becomes latticed in with the work of others–who may be working independently–to form canon. The problem with this is that many of us are working independently and furthermore… we be working with our own agendas and occasionally not reading other people’s work. All of this leads to a lot of mistakes and confusion and retcon. I’m in the middle of such a process. As I am trying to clean up some messes I made on the way to building something beautiful, I am discovering there are pieces of it that were modified by others and pieces still that make no sense whatsoever. We don’t have a loremaster, persay, but we do have several people who know their stuff enough to point out the errors. So, I’m learning where things have gone wrong and how I am working with the fruit of said poison tree.

Yet onward I work.

This is to say I’m having a really fun time digging through all of this old lore and picking up threads of forgotten stories and trying to weave them back into the fabric of this shared world. I’m super excited about parts of this project. I am definitely geeked about the opportunity to build new lore in this world. We are creating a lasting piece of gaming that people should play for a long time. That brings me joy to know that others can have fun with what I created.

I just gotta make sure I get it right.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Bought a new TV. Nobody cared. I suppose they cared enough to realize they needed to redownload apps. Well, I’m excited about it. I’m also hopeful they don’t ruin it with dang downloaded viruses….
  2. Football is back this Thursday. How did I not know until this very morning? I don’t even know who is up for the hall. That’s wild behaviors for a football fan on the level of myself…

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