7.513. Reflections on a Thursday Night

I wanted to write about Kamala Harris. I wanted to write about how I think they should relaunch New Edition as a reality show. I have a lot of thoughts digging their way through my brain, including the impending second watch through of Deadpool III (it isn’t as good as I hoped and lacks anything resembling a solid plot, but Jackman is just that guy. He’s enough. The cameos are tough). I wanted to plot out wonderful ideas for a backyard that includes a black screen for outdoor viewing (oh, it is a thing). All of these are things I want to discuss but haven’t arrived as fully formed posts. Instead I’m in that liminal space again. I’m floating between what is done and what needs to be done and in that space a million ideas are waiting to be realized.

I don’t pull on those threads. I don’t let myself give into these wonderful ideas that I would chase down till completion. Instead, I make lists and figure out what needs to be done next, focus on that, and get it done. It ain’t wonderful, but its a living.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Man I shoulda waited till Thursday for the waiver. More football news out there. Yet I will wait a week to share that and my thoughts on the olympics… maybe.
  2. College ball player is already feeling the back pain. He needs to get time with the trainers and understand what is really going on there. He’s got 4 years of college football life ahead of him. Don’t burn out week 1.

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