7.517. Post Mortem

One of the most important things a person can do in order to be better is to study their own habits. My habits are not going well as of late. This self reflection was triggered by my brother reaching out and asking about combating writer’s block. I gave him the truth of all that I do and all that needs doing and then watched myself not do that and instead endeavor to do everything I told him not to do. This as I am staring at an 8500 word piece that doesn’t want to come along nicely.

Instead of writing I sorted wires and plugs and tools. I did all of the things I tend to do while avoiding work and pretending to be productive. I even wandered around the internet doing things towards projects other than what I’m supposed to be locked in on. So, the post mortem is this: I did not cook. Heck, I didn’t even really get started. However, the realization that came as a result of the phone call was useful. I have work to do and I need to settle in this week and get it done. School is spinning up, novel revisions are about to come due, and I still have it in my mind to take on more projects. Add it all up and I have a busy season ahead. I cannot afford to dither.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Tomorrow I ought to go back to 7.1 and remember and reflect on how this iteration started…
  2. Probably best not to talk about these kids on the blog all the time… one day they’ll read it and be like, “what the hell?!” I say that as I just considered an aside about one of them.

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