
I don’t know where my life goes next. I’m in the semester now. I’m moving from what I want to be doing to what I need to be doing and trying to find a way to develop a balance between the two. So far, not so far. I keep coming back to that idea of a spine and thinking about how poorly I cultivated that in most of my kids. I mean to at least show them that through action now and I am working towards being consistent about it. So I need to make that my goal for the semester: Show a Spine. Make them realize the things that matter to me and what it takes to get there. Maybe it will take?

Some Thoughts:

  1. First Super Bowl of my Madden 25 run. Fun stuff. Rebuilt the G-men from the ground up. Simmed year one (this year) and somehow went 8-9. Still fired everyone and brought in Demeco Ryans and a new set of coordinators and drafted a QB. Kid wins NFC OROY, we go 16-1. Now we in the show. I love how great things can go if it’s not real.
  2. Week one of classes is in the book and I have a ton of grading to do. I set things up to allow for a grading day. I mean to get that going here this next week and am I trying to put together a routine that works and helps me do the things I need to do as a well as making space for the wants after. The key there is separating wants and needs.

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