
I spent the week waiting to see my kid finally suit up as a college player. I expected it to be a moment where everyone in the family was excited about it and proud. Not actually what went down. I think it simply reaffirms my understanding of how people react to ambition. For some of us it make us feel part of others success. Some of us see that success as separate from us and, often, foreign in a way that reinforces their downplaying of success. In other words, people will always find something wrong with your success, so you need to decide what kind of people you allow to impact your belief in yourself and in those you believe in.

I watched that translate to the Deion show last night. immediately after the game the haters came out hard about how they suck and winning against a nobody FCS team like the Bison by such a small margin was basically them proving they suck. There is nuance that haters are never willing to accept. People like that–haters–are basically only fulfilled by being negative about everything but the small margin of things that make them happy. Generating negativity itself is what sustains them, while it drowns and disturbs everyone else. Don’t let it rent space in your head.

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