7.553. Reflections on a Tuesday Night

Debate night in America.

One thing I know is that this isn’t going to move the needle for the people who’ve dug in on either side. Those who roll with Trump believe what they believe and that is all it will ever be. Those who don’t have their own set of beliefs. Each have media to support this world view. Who will be impacted are those in the middle who have yet to decide what if anything to do. That number is getting smaller and smaller. We are living in an America that looks more and more like it did before I was born. The rampant polarization is not only detrimental to us as a culture but to the security of the nation itself. We aren’t united on anything anymore. That feels less like hyperbole than it does truth.

I’m worried about the future I am leaving my own children. I cannot even begin to consider what they might one day be leaving their own.

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