7.567. Mood

As I work through learning how to rebuild my schedule I am coming to the realization that not having a standard work day (9-5X5) is impacting expectations at every level and for everyone–myself included. This is another obstacle I need to overcome. I need to be able to reshape expectations in a way that allow for me to have the appropriate amount of time to get what I need out of a day, including down time to really enjoy myself. I don’t actually get a whole lot of that. I want more solo time on some days. Less on others. It really comes down to this concept of shaping expectations, and I haven’t done very well at that at all.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Well, that was cryptic.
  2. I really don’t have more to say on the issue. I’m starting to sound like a politician here…
  3. What I can be more clear about is my absolute disappointment about not being able to keep the cats from ripping my couches to shreds. It didn’t matter so much when they were old couches that didn’t look good. We spent quite a bit of money on these new ones and they do look really nice. At least for now. The cats are going ham on those things…
  4. Some days ten minutes are a word flood. Some days it is a trickle. It all depends on how open my brain is to conversations.

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