7.569. Reflections on a Thursday Night

I am still bad at making lists. I do HAVE a list now. I called it the Fall 24 Master List. It has subsections and daily categories which remind me of the needs of self for every day of the week. It looks neat. It has some things on it. I have not used it once since creating it. In fact, it is only open right now (for the second time ever) because I am writing about it and in order to do so I needed to have it open because I could not remember what it said.

I am not good at using lists.

The reality is that such things–such structures–are necessary for me to be able to stay organized. I have yet to find the proper structure–the one that works in real time with me. I suspect this may be the one true way I interact with AI through the future. Perhaps it may remind me of what needs doing and to automate the process of remembering and locating time for things to be done.

On a brighter note, I am doing stuff. I did work butt in chair on writing today and I made real progress. I am not where I need or want to be but I am ahead of where I was and presumably in a much better place now. I have the general underpinnings of what is going on in all three of these interactive stories I am writing. I also have my head stuffed full of older stories and novels that I really do need to write. Here’s what needs to happen. Time on task really needs to be time on task. I have to spend that time working, thinking, planning, and when I can reliably do that, I am going to be pretty darn good at getting this work out and done.

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