7.583. Reflections on a Thursday Morning

I am sick.

I don’t really respond well to the condition. It causes me to lay in bed and not be very productive and often comes as a result of me trying to be overly productive while not taking good care of myself in spite of the hard work of the Lady Talis to make sure I do take good care of myself. She ought to be mad, but love turns anger into sympathy. Unfortunately, it does little to solve the problem of illness and of me operating at less than 40% capacity. I am trying to get to a place where I can function. I need to. There are exactly 74 essays left to be graded along with more journals and novel excerpts and outlines and a host of other assignments I need to be getting to. This is not to mention the 8 classes I need to prepare for January, the novel needing editing, the Adventure book that comes due on the 15th of this month, and so on. I ain’t got time to be sick.

I suppose I ought to make time to heal. If I don’t this is going to spiral into something far worse and I certainly do not have time to deal with that nonsense. I need to allow myself this day to get right and get back in focus and on track.

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