1278. Separation Anxiety

Today I lost my laptop. For the better part of the day I thought it was gone. I worried about my lost data, my unfinished novel that I felt was in the hands of some un-captured criminal. After hours of fretting, my mid-kid found the laptop. He isn’t clear on how it got to where it got, but he was able to locate it with relatively little trouble.

All that fretting for naught.

Afterwards I got to thinking about how valuable the things I carry really are. My laptop is a lifeline to the digital world, but it is also the sole repository of so many of my ideas. I’ve moved almost completely to the digital medium for storing my thoughts, and to lose the ‘top felt like a piece of me was shorn. I walked around like a zombie for most of the day, anxious about whether or not it could be found and nervous that it never would be.  In the end fortune smiled and granted me this small piece of tech.

Things are meaningful, but ideas are also extremely meaningful. Losing what I put to paper reminded me of the value of what I do and helped me to recognize the role it plays in my life. I need to write more and give more of myself to the words. The things that matter the most to you should be the things you do the most to preserve.


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