2771. We fail, We Fly

I’m planning for the future, though not in any way people might think. My plans are specific and extremely layered. I’m developing a calendar for the 2017-18 school year that takes the people who matter most into account first and builds around their special dates and the things that matter to them. There are dates there for the love of my life. There are dates there for each of my 3 sons. There are dates for me, and movie dates that take into account when things are happening in the Wood of Hollies. I can tell you, for example, that Spiderman: Homecoming is coming out (officially) July 7th, and that our local theater will likely drop it on the night of July 6th, only a few smoke-filled days after happy fireworks day. That means there needs to be an entire plan in place to get them properly psyched for the film. This means that earlier–perhaps a week earlier–we will watch Civil War again and build in some active superhero stuff in between.

I suppose I plan these things the way I plan for classes. I want to hit all the ‘learning styles’ and keep them into it and excited all the way through the box office. Is it dumb? Possibly, but irrelevant. There isĀ everything right with turning movie releases into events and turning seemingly ordinary occurrences like watching a movie and hanging out at home into events. I learned that from my special someone, who serves as my muse in many ways.

So, I plan and I ready and I try to see where the year can take us all. We hope, we grow, we change. We love, we thrill, we fail, we fly. This is the life I asked for.


Some Thoughts:

  1. If you thought I’d divulge the secret romance plans, nope.

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