2.79: Too Many Tabs

On any given day I have no less than 15 windows(tabs) open in my browser. That’s just one browser. I usually have a second browser open full of the carryover stuff from the previous day. That’s 30+ windows of media content open at any time from a kid who grew up rocking a Commodore 64. That is to say that the computer age has seriously enabled my ADD. Hell, it probably created it.

The inability to stay focused and locked in on a single task is a real problem for me. Case and point: I haven’t worked on my novel in nearly a week. That’s my passion project. I haven’t played any Madden and only have watched a smattering of football here and there. Yes, this is sounding more like depression than distraction, but the truth of it is I find my self deep down the rabbit hole on most occasions. ‘Checking shit out’ if you will.

The real issue is how much I expose myself to. I teach a novel writing class in which students dream up very cool things. They also expect me to have a basic understanding of the media that influenced them. So I look it up. Rabbit holes.

Did you know that Haruki Murakami ran a Jazz bar in Tokyo? That’s the kind of stuff I’m talking about. All of this inspires my students, but they aren’t the only reason I’m checking stuff out. I too seek inspiration–the logs to further my fire.

Some Thoughts:

  1. First scrimmage for my new team and my primary concern is that I don’t have the right colors to wear. First world problems.
  2. Loving is easy. Letting go… not so much. Still, people have to do what they must and you have to trust in what you know to be Ka.

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