2.88: The Physical

Coffee, Call, Write.

Some things just make sense. Others need more thinking through. Yesterday I was in a make sense situation that has developed into a bit of a think through. Here’s the situation:

I’ve been having a lot of back pain. This is not to the level it was when I threw out my back a few years ago, but the pain has been intense off and on for weeks. At the worst of it there were simple movements–twists–I just could not do without collapsing.  Make no mistake, in this situation the smart move is to go to a doctor. I did not do the smart thing. Instead I walked around like this until the pain subsided. Mostly subsided.

My partner is a relentless and wonderful human being who cares about my health a great deal. I suppose she wants me around a bit longer or at least for the time I’m here to be as pain free as possible. She convinced me to go to a physical therapist. I did. Eventually. What he told me was riddled with surprises. I knew that my core was weak. My expanding girth is surely proof of such. I did not know about the uneven muscle weakness in my legs and glutes. I really did not know that my horrible back pain was actually a muscle pain unrelated to the previous back stuff I’d dealt with. So, I was enlightened by the experience.

The bill was an enlightening experience all by itself, which brings us to the thinking through. Now that I know exactly where the issues are, should I pay the $75 a week to work with the trainer or should I keep my finances stable and find ways to stretch and strengthen with the help of books and friends (and books are my friends too)? I believe I should not go back. The cost of this stuff is prohibitive. While it is true that my life is worth a certain cost, I don’t think not returning risks my life. I think I’ll focus on staying put and saving my cash.

I have three hungry boys after all.

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