2.112: Mindfulness

Dwelling in the past of what was is by far my biggest weakness. I’ve been working on the lasting idea of living in the moment, by which I mean enjoying where I am now and not spending my energy staring into the abyss of what was and what will possibly be. This is no easy task. This is not about planning for the future but considering how the present situation impacts or builds towards future situations. On the surface is sounds like a bunch of nonsense–word stew with a thick bread of bullshit to sop it all up. It works better in example.

Take for instance the idea of this blog. While writing this I could be thinking, ‘what do I need to do after?’ and in that ceding the beauty of the moment of creation to the worry and fear of future action. Another example is a kiss. If I kiss someone will it lead to sex? A mindful mindset would ask, how was the kiss?

So I am trying to observe a mindful mindset and trying to meet the now head on. There is more than enough pain, fear, jealousy, and worry existing in the now to last me a lifetime. I don’t need it to consume the good moments as well.

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