2.203. The President, the Stripper, and business as usual

Nevermind that we are in the midsts of a government shutdown. Overlook the fact that when it happened in 2013 and the soldiers wound up working without pay, the Republicans who forced the issue could do nothing but blame the democrats for not conceding to their demands. Fast forward eight years and we are back to where we started. The republicans are blaming the democrats, the president is going to bed while the government burns (he thought shut down meant ‘go to your room’), and did I mention the sex scandal?

It might have been hard to catch that tidbit amidst all the abuse and misconduct allegations or because he referred to places where he thought the people were useless asĀ shithole countries. It could even be over the debate of whether he said shithole or shithouse and if we should actually care about the semantic specifics of the ‘way to stupid to spawn’ level of remarks.

Whatever part of the tidal wave of bullshit cascading over the white house made us overlook the sex, we did. We still are. Based on reports and on interpretations of statements from lawyers, Donald Trump banged a pornstar in a hotel room while he was ‘happily’ married. Now this is back in 2006. It is a while ago, but it is further testament to the infidelity he openly denies and is chock full of behaviors he claims not to have. In truth, it serves as another large swell of evidence (porn pun intended) that he is a dirtbag and a liar.

And our president.

At some point we need to recognize that a position is only prestigious and respectable as the person who holds it. Trump winning the election doesn’t erase who the man is. Instead it slams him into a pampered echo chamber where even his craziest ideas might gain some traction. Good thing he doesn’t actually have any and is instead pulling thoughts from Fox News.

Wait… how is that good?

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