813. Rising Action

I don’t think people live at a set level of mental and physical exertion. As with a wave there is a rising and falling action. However, I believe we have the ability to control our rising and falling actions through the incredible power of will.

Will is an interesting force of nature. When I think about the really really big picture, about how the universe came to be, I think about will. If you are a bible follower, will played a key role in God’s creation of the world and the actions of its first citizens. Now, even before that there had to be a reason for God to come into being and that there is will.
Fast forward to humanity and will kept us going through the darkest of times. We fought through hunger, famine, war, physical atrocity, all on the back of will. So, why is it so freaking hard to will yourself out of bed to do a push up. Why is it near impossible to will ourselves to be more proactive? more successful?
My struggle has been to exercise and to organize. These are nearly universal among the people I teach and interact with. We never ‘have enough time’ to do everything required. We rarely do enough with our bodies to remain in the type of physical condition that we should throughout our lives.
So, what happened to will? I think the TV ate it.

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