4.440. Reflections on Fiction

I’m starting that slow descent into heavy writing. I spent most of my driving time today ears deep in Paul Tremblay short stories and I kept thinking about the things I am trying to write and the idea of taking different approaches and trying to speak through new and interesting characters. Writing is a journey and a process. I enjoy the end result, but often find strain and stress in the process (story of my life in many ways).

I’m going to experiment a bit starting tomorrow. I am going to play around with character and setting and try to dive deeper into these worlds I write about and learn a thing or two in the process.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Enjoyed the coaching tonight. My role is a light touch and that is different and surprisingly enjoyable. Still on the inside but not deep enough that it is a heavy time and energy commitment.
  2. Working through the slog of a workload that defines my professional existence. This too shall pass.
  3. I’m deeply in love with my partner. I’m also an idiot who says stupid things that ruin everything. It’s a curse. Pretty good with the words on paper. Not so hot straight out the mouth.
  4. Football is back. dope.

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