4.454. Waiver Thursday

I blathered on for so long yesterday, so I won’t go there today. I will say that this is the first week I am going against the Giants… So they’ll probably win. I’m 30-18 after an abysmal 9-7 week. Here we go week 4:

Titans and Steelers
Not being played. Thanks, Covid. Thanks a lot.

Broncos over Jets
Not much to say other than Sam Darnold sucks.

Ravens over Washington
Lamar’s bounce back game–especially with the Washington D nicked up.

Buccaneers over Chargers
Chargers are not the team they need to be.

Seahawks over Dolphins
Easy W

Texans over Vikings
Texans played the best teams in football and lost. They were in every single game. The Vikings are not the best. They won’t be able to hold up.

Saints over Lions
Stop dissing Brees. The man still has it and the O still has it. The O is complex and timing based and hasn’t practiced enough to be ready. They’ll get there in a few weeks. The D is ascending. They will ascend over the aging Lions run game (read: Peterson).

Browns over Cowboys
Cowboys D deals with Elliot every day in practice. They can stop the run. Well, they can stop a runner. What about two? What about Beckham who regularly toasts this group? What is about to happen is a W by the Browns, so long as they stick to what they do best.

Bengals over Jags
He lost and then he lost and then he tied and now… It is high time for a W. The Dolphins game exposed some holes and tendencies in the Jags D and Burrow is the type of QB they struggle with. This one goes to Bengals.

Colts over Bears
Colts D is legit. Colts D is fantasy Gold. The Bears are… Foles? Really? Good luck with that.

Cards over Panthers
Cards are tearing up football with that offense. I am doing my best to capture that energy in Madden using that offense. I remain convinced the group of WRs over there is among the best in the league and they’ve barely scratched the surface of what they can do. Kirk is a G and hasn’t even done a thing.

Rams over Giants
I feel incredibly bad about this pick, but reality is what it is.

Bills over Raiders
Bills are the real deal, but so are the Raiders. I feel like this is a toss up kind of game, but this is really about All and the way he has such energy and control over that offense and WR corps that is doing nothing but getting better.

Patriots over Chiefs
The Chiefs are an amazing team, but I don’t think they can stop the Patriots this week. I think the Patriots are rising and the Chiefs are rising as well, but Beli-ball wins this one in the end.

Niners over Eagles
Niners wrecked the Giants and the G-men are bad. Niners are short on skill players right now, but Eagles are hecka short on skills. This means a Niners win and a Cowboys playoff spot.

Packers over Falcons
I really don’t trust the Falcons. Seriously. They live in choke city and don’t appear to know how to run a play schedule that gives them an advantage in the fourth quarter.

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