6.11. Reflections on a Changing World

The recent events have felt more like fiction than the reality we all thought we were living in. The ideas that were once science fiction are gaining a sort of ‘of course’ sense of reality that I find personally troubling. Here are the facts:

  1. People are starting to accept the idea of aliens and shrugging it off.
  2. People are accepting this reality shaped by Covid and shrugging it off
  3. People are beginning to accept the possibility of alternate realities and shrugging it off.

In truth the problem is that we are shrugging things off so quickly and easily. It feels as though we don’t care about anything longer than we can hold it in our brains until the next thing arrives. The problem with that mentality is that nothing holds, nothing matters, and we don’t recognize the significance of the things that should.

Some Thoughts:

  1. I want a fortress of solitude, a bat cave, a lair of some sort. I suppose I actually have one and I don’t hardly use the space. I suppose I want a place to work on various projects–the kind of thing I grew accustomed to doing when I was young and I would lock myself away in my room. I have a partner now and feel like that need for absolute solitude is lessened (Lois had free entry to the fortress, Catwoman and others roamed in and out of the bat cave, etc.). What I am understanding about myself is that I don’t want to be alone so much as I want to find a way to cultivate original ideas and press those ideas into service and find ways to explore growing more ideas.

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