6.13. Constructed Realities in Subjective Form

I’m going to blog before I touch my phone, or open any packages, or start in on the novel, or do anything remotely related to the so-called real world. I am doing so because it is helping me focus on the idea of reality and what reality actually is… and isn’t.

Recently a large mob of angry individuals stormed the capitol with the belief that they were being patriotic and upholding the American way of life. This was their reality. We–I–consider them crazies because their reality and their truth is fundamentally different from my own. They saw themselves as connected to the ‘larger’ in this fashion. They felt themselves to be, in a sense, a diaspora connected largely by this internet of ideas. They lived in two simultaneous realities and tried very hard to reconcile the two much in the same way that super hero might or, to be more down to earth, a soldier might, or a worker might. On the one hand they had their daily reality of waking up, doing the mundaneness that keeps the daily life afloat, perhaps spending time with those who they care about from a close (family and friends). Yet at the same time they were jacked into Parler and watching a series of increasingly aggressive news outlets and listening to and ultimately following the will of the President as we are all taught to do.

This dichotomy is important, because one necessarily influences the other. They invade each other’s space and impact our concept of right, wrong, good, bad, etc. For example, had I read the news before entering this digital space, I would be influenced by that space in terms of what I put down here, instead of coming to you directly from the created worlds of Tim Waggoner and Manny Coto.

My point is this: All reality is subjective. The fundamental truths we all share are that we live and we die. We must eat, sleep, etc. The rest is social construct, social strata, and the overwhelming manipulation of those who wish to have more. This could be more influence, more power, more intelligence, more love, etc. Our world is powered by dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction is what creates these subjective realities as we each strive to be satisfied by something in someway. Unofrtunately we all too often listen to the outside voices to learn what will satisfy ourselves. Those voices seek their own satisfaction and not our own. We must listen to oursleves.

We must find our own satisfaction.

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