6.18. Reflections on a Sunday Night

This has been a good week of writing (holy passive language, Talislegger!). Let’s try that again.

What a good week of writing.

I managed to burn through several chapters of the new novel and, though behind schedule, I am gearing up for the hard grind. I like what I am writing and I am discovering more about the story in every chapter. Writing is part of the daily routine. I’ve been trying to figure out what my ideal day looks like. I know that it differs from day to day, based largely on when I have my kids. I split custody, so when they are not here they are not part of that daily cycle. I thought a lot about writing down the ideal day for every day of the week. It strikes me as a wonderful way to find out how to live happier (well, that and a clear distaste for vengeance, but I haven’t figured out how to make vengeance less palatable).

This Sunday blog feels like a good time to think about the ideal day, especially as I roll back into the school year and the associated responsibilities of all of that. Since this is Sunday, I will talk about an ideal Sunday followed by the ideal Monday.


I wake up and have coffee with my love. It’s Sunday, so it would be nice to stay in bed a while and cuddle pre-coffee. Once we decide to get going I’d be happiest getting the blog done early–write about the coming week, reflect on the joy of the past week and even on the failures (okay, that is going to be a thing). After the blog I’d take time to game on the xbox. Then I would wake up the boys and make breakfast and hang out with them before they get on the chore train. I’d love to spend an hour out in the field with them working on passing and catching and running–heightening those skills and getting the coaching out of my system for the day/week.

The boys leave midday after we’ve played games as a family and had a good meal. Then I come home and have a good conversation with my partner, maybe about the upcoming week or something deeper. We talk about the things that make us happy. Maybe we go on a walk. Later there is time to watch a show and perhaps play a game together. Finally the night winds to an end. Sundays I don’t work on novels. That’s the day of rest. Instead we end the evening together cuddling just like as the day began.


I get up to coffee with the partner. I help her get prepped for her work day. Then I go write and blog. I check the news and such after, so the world doesn’t interfere with the words. I celebrate the completed words with a bit o video game time. Afterwards I seek out my partner (who likely is done with her day or on break by then) and we spend some time reflecting on her day. We make plans to try something interesting that evening. We make sure the remaining kids are taken care of, spend time playing a game or watching a show with them, and then we do our event of the evening. The night ends as all nights should and thus have. Cuddles.

My dream life is attainable, but it might only be my dream. That is what I must learn.

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