6.20. Reflections on a Tuesday Morning

Like I don’t have enough to do, right? Now I have my mind set on developing fictional Madden draft classes a la Kebow’s draft. For the uninitiated, Kebow has created multiple (7?) draft classes for the Madden 21 Xbox version. Each of these classes is designed around the stories of college football teams and players and their rise to NFL stardom. He doesn’t do complete backstories but he does create a sense of character for college award winners and high draft picks with discussions that hint at their actual skills. It brings fun and context to the draft and makes the game a bit more nuanced and enjoyable. What I would ultimately like to do is to create a series of these and backbuild the stories of the players and the teams, showing the rise of particular teams/players as a conduit towards their NFL lives. I think there is a real interest in story in regards to games like this–enough so that I want to tell the stories.

But will I?

Like I said, I have enough on my plate. What I wish I could do is get paid for it. I wish Madden Franchise was developed enough to allow for freelancers to create reasonable draft classes and have story built into it. This is extremely easy to code using the existing in-game news platform which discusses signings and other happenings. Once again, it is about who you know vs. what, because if I could get just a tithe for the work then it would make it worth the time and effort needed for creation. Only, I don’t know anyone at Madden. So, we wait, we design, we prototype, and… we wait.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Getting published in the Imaginary Papers this week. Excited.
  2. What role do the people we surround ourselves with play in promoting a healthy and positive energy? If I am surrounded by negative energy and a blistering lack of ambition, will I just adopt that stance? Part of being in NYC was knowing that everyone was grinding and trying to get somewhere. Since I’ve settled into this life I’ve settled. Even the things I want out of life feel like I am not reaching anymore. I don’t know that anyone around me–especially not the young people–is reaching. What is there to reach for?
  3. Perhaps I am getting closer to an understanding of my day to day depression…

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