6.22. Reflections on a Thursday Morning

It all slips away so easily.

I spent a month on break and happy not to be in the daily grind of classes and happy not to feel like I was behind on stuff and I woke up this morning behind on stuff. Such is the life, I suppose. Today I am back to posting on the big board and learning about the things I need to do in order to be more organized and the things I need to do in order to be more successful in my professional life.

Having a daily plan matters. Lately the plan has been ‘write’. This is not a detailed plan. There are no times involved in that plan, no sense of how long but the one chapter mark offered a sense of how much. With the grading and planning back in my life I need to do more in terms of planning and deciding how to move forward effectively.

The first stage of that is getting up earlier and getting going when I get up. Mornings can be powerful workspaces. Once the puppies are cleaned and fed it should be on to the schoolwork, then a break, and then on to the writing, and so on. I need to find a way to ramp up productivity so I am spending less time focused on work and more time focused on love.

Some Thoughts:

  1. What I failed to reflect on yesterday was the fact that these all star events are a machine. The entire league is really an industry to keep these kids and parents traveling and playing and pretending to be the best–pretending that what they do now echoes in the higher ranks. In the extremely rare cases it might. There are always going to be the Bunchie Young’s of the world who have out of this world ability and work ethic, but the fact that there is only one kid doing commercials, etc says all you need to know: It ain’t gonna happen for your kid or mine. In truth, I am not even the parent who is putting in that level of time and effort to ensure it happens. I’m not up with them every morning at 6 to workout and get the body trained up. In fact, I still want them to be kids and not live life on such a training schedule.
  2. The more I step back from being invested in that youth sports world, the uglier it looks. I am grateful that next year is that capstone year. Following that we will take a year to not do football (save for the 1 high school kid) and truly appreciate what else is out there to be done and to be learned.

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