6.111. Detox

I know now that I need to build a more useful routine into my life and the lives of my family. My family spends the majority of our lives in front of screens. While some of it is work-related, much of it is leisure. We game and we watch a lot. In fact, there is a Mr. Nightmare playing as I do this blog. Here is the thing though: It has become so common to be living through a screen that I struggle in the spaces where I don’t have one. I play games on my phone as a way to interact and rarely go a few hours without tuning in–short of sleep.

So, I am advocating a period of detox. At the very least a few hours out in the world walking around and appreciating the reality we do live in vs. the digital one we crave. This is a suggestion and not step by step instructions on how to get free of the screens. I am acknowledging my personal need to do so. I think I will try to read a book in the sunlight–though this is no less an escape than the digital.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Here’s a weird truth: I cannot spell the word rhythm without the help of spellcheck. What is worse is that when I spell it as above, spellcheckers refuse to help. Some words just be like that for me

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