6.672. A New Way to Write

I’m thinking about jumping into novel and world development for nanowrimo. Yes, I’m very late to the November party. Still, I think I have plenty of days left to write. The idea I am thinking of is structural. Often there are moments in the beginning of a story that pay off later in the story. I want to build those scenes at once. I want to have that moment in the beginning and write the corresponding scene right away and then build the stuff in between after. I want to write out all of these big moments and then fill in the blanks. I’ve never written this way, but in terms of the fantasy story all I know about it is a handful of moments I really want to see hit. That’s it. So, why not put together the story in a way that allows for all of that to come out and then, as I am forming the world and these characters, I am telling a deeper and more nuanced character story entirely born of the need to tell these individuals stories without trying to work us towards these preexisting PLOT HAPPENS HERE moments that are important in the larger sense but absolutely secondary to the emotional arc of the characters living in these times.

Let’s see how it turns out.

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