6.681. Some Thoughts

I’m just going to get right into it…

  1. I personally have become so reliant on the internet that I cannot even watch a show without it.
  2. On that note, I also rely on technology for most of my entertainment.
  3. On my next trip to Seattle I intend to engage in serious cofeenerdness. I have yet to find a good cup of coffee in Seattle and that has to change. The best so far is the one at Twedes in North Bend, but that is not Seattle. That is also powered by my love of Twin Peaks.
  4. The NFL is a nutty league lately. Big weird upset scores today. The Panthers whipped the Cardinals badly as an example.
  5. On that note, yesterday’s post about the Cam Newton return has already come around to a happy end. He’s not done, but he scored two tuddys in early action.
  6. Speaking of endings, we got whipped yesterday and my football coaching career is at an end. It was fun while it lasted. Now I get to look at all the pics from the season and post them somewhere.
  7. Once again the blog is in that state of long to short to long to meaningful to meaningless meanderings that is reflective of, well, me.
  8. I have a book coming out. Not about meandering though. I also don’t know when. I don’t know when or if either of the other two novellas I wrote will be published as well.
  9. In fantasy football news, I am still terrible.
  10. In tech gremlin news (see #1) I’ve managed to infect the future Mrs. Talislegger with the gremlins and that means our home is a cesspool of tech fails waiting to happen.
  11. Also speaking of endings (see #6) we are also through Ozark. Better than I thought and I feel elements of the growth of Walter White throughout.
  12. Okay. That is ten.

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