6.687. Postscript: Foundation

I went into Foundation with high expectations. Apple TV has patterned itself as the anti-netflix. instead of throwing a ton of content against a wall and seeing what sticks (old school pasta joke) they chose specific properties to create at high dollar value with big names attached either in the acting or the directing or both. Foundation is a David S. Goyer production which stars a lot of actors you’ve probably never seen and a level of special effects and set design that raises the bar for anything so brazen enough to follow. It is beautifully shot and the acting is as solid as the Asimov inspired world building. I say inspired because Foundation is not fully faithful to the text. Like most adaptations it remains faithful to the idea of the show while allowing the creators liberties. This one in particular is produced by Asimov’s family, so there is a strong belief that the interpretation is not way off. I don’t know what I am basing that off of beyond faith in family. I do know that I enjoyed the show and it did not meet expectations.

Like I said, my expectations were high. I expected to know more in this first season. I expect to find characters I would want to follow to the ends of the show. I ended feeling that this is a very small beginning to an immense story arc. This is Game of Thrones season 1 — first half. Imagine ending there. We did. Foundation is a promise written across ten beautiful episodes that argues that this show is worth the time it will take to imbibe it all. I’m willing to trust the promise and trust the process that has defined it thus far.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Babylon 5 is rebooting. That makes me wonder if it is going to take the long view that Battlestar Gallactica and, ultimately, Foundation is taking.
  2. Given that Star Trek Discovery is the only other sweeping space show around, I expect more shows to populate the channels before long. Space exploration is becoming the new cop show. Every station will want to have one.

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