6.690. Reflections on a Tuesday Night

I’m not feeling the full force of a ten minute one thought blog. I think I’ll just roll into…

Some Thoughts:

  1. Priyanka Chopra is in Matrix 4 and her character pic makes me think she has some sort of control over aspects of the matrix. I’m getting excited about this one…
  2. Spent a decent amount of time thinking about death today–my death in particular. The cessation of new memory is in essence the definition of death. Once we lose a sense of self and the ability to propel self forward we are dead. However, I still question the idea of time as an arrow. I suspect we perceive time as such in our lifetime as it unfolds, but I also wonder if the end of that string allows us to loop–essentially living these lives in a loop continuously as we move through the timeframe of our personal existence.
  3. I wonder if I think about this so much because I am somehow closer to being dead than I think or suspect or just that I’ve peaked in years and I have less years left than I’ve already lived? Perhaps there is another reason all together.
  4. Minecraft news: Really enjoying work on the new world–by which I mean city, actually. I’ve constructed a living space for the people of the city consisting of 36 beds at current with a main work hall that presently holds space for 22 work stations. That leaves 14 workstations to be built somewhere in the city. I already seated two in the church and I expect I’ll start on a library or something of the sort next. I need a smithy as well. There is a ton to build out in this city. There is plenty of space to get that happening, but I need to get the resources to do so. That will take time.
  5. Dang, time flies… About done here. Not much time left.
  6. I wanted to say something about the film I watched tonight–He won’t get very far on foot. It was a solid piece from Gus Van Zant with a good cast and strong performances. What got me most about the film was the honest portrayal of addiction. So much of that film felt like the work I did as a rehab counselor all those years ago. I ended it wondering what happened to all of those kids.

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