6.698. Back in the Seat

I know I should be blogging about football today, but I find myself back in the chair for the first time in weeks and it is worth a ten minute conversation. It is a bat-chair specifically. It is one of a number of fine crafted items of the bat variety gifted to me by my partner. I love the feel of it and the idea of what that symbol represents. I’ve always seen myself as a Robin, but nearing 50, I ought to be considering the fact of growing old with at least a modicum of grace. In other words, I should be assuming that mantle of adulthood with my own take and flavor.

It is interesting to think about how fast the years fly by until one day you wake up old and wondering what happened to all of that time. What did you do? What were your experiences? How will you share that with the world? Is anything in your own life story-worthy? I suppose there are experiences at every stage of life that have been story-worthy, and I know most of the feelings behind them will make their way into story in some fashion. That is, after all, why I am back in this chair and in this cold office space wearing my Robben Island pullover and thinking about history and how to intertwine that with fiction and ideals and ideas.

I’m working on two things: I’m working on building a fantasy world and the stories that shaped that world until it’s “starting point” of fiction. I am also working on the collection of short stories that are actually telling one larger story or novel from different perspectives that build to a conclusion that forces the reader to face their own biases and feelings. It is a whodunnit that isn’t really about who done it. I’ve promised myself 3 hours to build one or both of these ideas a little more fully today and hopefully the next day. The idea of when I write is becoming as important as how much I write and where. Call it the trinity of possible success.

All success starts with trying. It starts with putting one foot down and the other in front of it. You press one key and then another and then another and eventually it shapes a word that shapes a world that shapes an idea that has been living inside of you yearning to be set free.

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