6.701. Azgaar vs. Talislegger

When I first went to Azgaar’s website (https://azgaar.github.io/Fantasy-Map-Generator/) I was overwhelmed. There are so many options to choose from here that it is safe to say that this is the most immersive free map generator I’ve ever used. Also safe to say is it is better than what I’ve payed for over the years. I’ve been using the site for hours now, trying to garner a better understanding of the depth of it and how to translate that into a world map reflective of the world I am trying to construct. Guess what I learned from that process? I don’t actually know enough about my world to fully construct a map.

And there it is. There is the subconscious truth that has haunted me all these years. I cannot write about a world unless and until I fully understand what this world is and the forces at play. It is a relief to understand it after all these years of absolutely getting it wrong. Now that I have diagnosed the issue, the real work of world building is underway. I’ve tasked hours to the job. My entire winter break is about figuring out what this world is and what are the stories that have been and will be across the ages. One thing I’ve learned from the generator is how little I’ve thought about politics outside a handful of national skirmishes. I don’t even know all of the nations. It is not enough to know the races. you need to know where they came from and where they’ve migrated to and why. All of this is part of the questioning that goes into developing a world map. That, and geological events. Weather is so important yet I’ve ignored it largely in my thinking. This too takes a huge burden off of my soldiers as I now realize what I need to do in order to build this fantasy reality instead of spinning for more years trying to figure that part out. Now the real work begins.

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