6.704. Reflections on a Tuesday Night

Getting ready to spend some much needed downtime in Seattle. I’m excited both about the opportunity to be there and the time to be just about me and my lady. We do well on the road together, and I think we could really use some of that right about now. It has been a tough semester. There is a lot of work that goes into teaching and a lot of wear and tear mentally when it isn’t done right. Sometimes more when it is… I don’t know that I did it right this semester. I know I have learning and growing yet to be done as an educator and as a man who embraces responsibility overall. I’ve shown some bad tendencies this semester and that needs to be cleaned up. That is also part of the break reflection.

It is also a time to step back from big games. I play a ton of Apex and Minecraft and Madden. I’ll spend a solid week offline, which is much needed at this juncture. I’ve lost a real sense of balance when it comes to such things. Overall, I am looking forward to the peace and merry and the different that makes Seattle a key destination even in the deep of winter rains.

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