
Rough day with the map editor. My computer is deeply unhappy with the interface being open so long and often and has begun to fight back. Basically, I need more ram… and a restart. I’ll do that in a little bit after I take care of all the business left open on other windows, and yes, I hear that out loud. The process has been demanding but at the same time fulfilling. While I don’t know the story of the novel quite yet, I am beginning to uncover the story of the world. I know a great deal about where it has been and what has transpired over these many long and hard eras. This is a story about a world that has forgotten much about itself and lost even more to myth and confusion. It is a story about rediscovery and the fears also attached to that. It is ultimately a story about people who are navigating this world. It is about characters I’ve carried with me since high school some thirty years back.

I am excited to see what comes of the story and the world. I feel it was waiting for the technology to provide me the means of creation and here we are finally. This does not mean the other writing is done. In fact, I mean to tell the science fiction still and do that work as well this summer. I am redrawing the deadlines in order to give room for me to truly create with some pressure but not so much that I fail. I aim to succeed.

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