6.736. Reflections on a Giants Sunday

So, the Giants got smashed again. I’ve never seen a team have as bad an offense. They simply are not good. They ran a QB sneak on 3rd and 9. Come on, man! So what now? I suspect everyone gets fired. I hope not though. The Defense has been growing into a really special unit. They ought to be top 10 next year. So, why fire folks? Look at the offense! They suck hard. That starts with the front office making bad decisions and the head coach making bad decisions. Not sure Judge is the guy. I’m not sure he WILL be fired though. I think he needs to work on his staff and especially find a very good OC to make something happen with this ragged offense. I also think they need to trade Barkley. I think this is the case because they need a QB and a few key positions along the line. They could get some value out of him and then turn that into one or more additions along the O or D.

I say they go get one of these backups in the league and roll with that.

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