6.741. Fridays

Good Friday. Not the best level of production but I did figure out that pesky minecraft villager in the desert problem (I actually didn’t realize I needed to feed them to breed them) and I plan to make a villager producer building to ensure I always have villagers in this desert burb. I also played some more of the Madden season on Ps5 and was none too surprised to see I sucked. I could not get the Giants moving hardly at all. We beat the Jets, but that is simply normal. The team is 3 and 3 and I was trying to use a glitch offense, which hardly seems to work. If I am to do this it will have to come by way of good old fashioned skill. Oh, I did publish some classes and start gearing for the professional life a bit. I spend so much time on hiatus that it is odd to be back in the swing–or at least getting there.

That brings me to the point of the blog: I need to get moving. I need to get moving as a writer and I need to get back to a purpose-driven life. I live in a house of leisure where all 5 of my boys exist to play games and watch anime. They have no lasting sense of purpose beyond finishing the game or show of the moment, and that impacts me deeply. I am used to being around people who grind. I grind when I am in that kind of environment–which is to say I have little motivation to get there on my own. This is an unfortunate side of me. The other side is the highly competitive guy who grinds when the people in my circle are grinding or if I have a deadline. Presently I have no deadline–not even a self imposed one, so that has to change.

Funny how this blog always winds back to change… and football. I guess that is a large part of who I am.

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