6.749. Time on Task

Ahh, the all important question: How much time should you devote to the work each day?

Honestly, it varies from person to person. Just as with exercise there is a minimum, a point of diminishing returns, and a sweet spot. I believe the threshold is two hours. If you are not putting two hours into the craft each day then you’re wasting your talent. I, personally, am wasting my talent. When I hit that minimum I find that I can produce a lot more–be it bad or good. I am working on developing a schedule and routine that allows me to meet the 2 hrs each day. It is harder when everyone is home, because your attention is requested elsewhere constantly. Still, the work has to be important enough to you that you carve out that niche of time.

No, it doesn’t have to be all at once for everyone.

I prefer the big block in one shot, because I wind up subdividing it with activities that pull my mind off the writing long enough to be fresh. Honestly, I could break it up into 30 minute allotments and have the exact same feel to the experience.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Life can be a roller coaster and, from time to time, it can feel like you’re just along for the ride for all the ups and downs. It can feel like, at times, blue isn’t blue anymore though nothing in your perception has changed all that much. Such is life.

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