
I think every dad goes through a period of being frustrated with his kids. I’m firmly in that period. They’ve been hard to be around for a little while now and that is largely about negative attitudes, unwillingness to lift a finger to help around the house, me-first attitude, and general disrespect when it comes to what other people have going on. The latest disrespect is one that I don’t even understand. One of them deleted my copy of Madden from the ps5. It wasn’t for storage space or anything I can really figure out. I get that you found a game you want to play, but there is really no purpose in deleting my game. None whatsoever. Yet it happened.

Other things happen too. For example, I really like this desert called brookies. Today as I was putting away the groceries a couple of the boys got up and, instead of helping me put away groceries like they saw I was doing, first went through the bag specifically looking for what they wanted and grabbed that. Then they grabbed the brookies the moment I pulled them out of the bag and ate 3 of the 4 brookies. For Breakfast. Sure, call me a fat ass for wanting my desert treat. I can deal with that. I immediately stashed the second box, knowing that if I hadn’t those would be quickly devoured as well. That is the attitude I’m faced with. Take what you want do nothing to help. I hate boys.

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