7.674. In Preparation of the Next Thing

Over the course of the next 31 days I will be freewriting exclusively. This is being done in order to test and create prompts for my creative writing class. I will try out each of the prompts in an attempt to figure out which are the best prompts to use. To that end, I will consider several prompts each day and do one of them a day. At the end of this period I hope that I’ve gotten myself back up to ‘writing speed’ and maybe even discovered a little bit about what it is I want to say as a writer–which is largely the point of prompts.

The way it works is you look at all of your responses to the prompts and you try to find the common thread. It may be a type of character or a condition or some other such thing. The award winning author Matt Haig almost always has a character dealing with suicidal ideations, as my partner explains. This is part of the story he is telling. So what is yours? What is mine? These prompts force us to draw a bit of that poison out of ourselves and see clearly what it is that infects us with this need to tell stories.

I want to begin to tell my best stories. I am at an age where I am done waiting for that right time or fall more luck to fall into my lap. I need to be telling stories now and getting everything off my chest while this remains a possibility and there is the possibility of enjoying knowing that the stories are being told and shared and perhaps appreciated by some.

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